Supercritical Fluid
The collabrotation of the companu with Mancin & Separeco was born a new PLC Control System...
Microalgae are utilized in aquaculture for the larval weaning of farmed fish species (gilthead, see bass, sole, tuna) for the enrichment of their diet, constituted of microcrustaceans (e.g. Brine shrimp) and/or zooplancton (e.g. rotifers), and for the farming of bivalval mollusks. In order to enrich the essential larvae for the marine species, the tendency is to stimulate the natural cycle utilizing algal species such as Chlorella salina, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochrysis galbana. The tests run by fish farms all over the world and the numerous application in aquaculture verified how diets rich in these algal species bring a considerable enrichment in PUFAs (PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids), first of all in Brine shrimp and in rotifers, which are the main nutritive elements in the ichthyic food chain. The experimentations conducted by Exenia Group S.r.l. On Nannochloropsis oculata aimed to develop PUFAs production, showed that in the medium utilized for the culture of this micro organism, increased in nitrates, phosphates, with low salinity and temperature, the EPA content is directly increased in the photosynthetic micro organism, up to 3% of the dry weight. In other experiments